Let’s face it, blackheads are the worst. We poke, and prod, and try to remove them, but they always come back. It’s easy to get discouraged and succumb the idea that these dark, pesky pores have set up shop on our faces. But remember, ladies: Never settle!
Turns out, there are some things you may not know about blackheads and the proper ways to treat them, things that could potentially prevent them from reoccurring. All hope is not lost! Below are 10 little known facts and tips about blackheads. Equipped with the right knowledge and products, those annoying clogged pores could be a thing of the past!
Hands off: As tempting as it may be, do not squeeze or try to pop your blackheads! Squeezing will only make it worse.
Head to the dermatologist: Although microdermabrasion and chemical peels can be expensive, they will help to get rid of blackheads and improve your skin’s overall appearance.
DIY a removal: Luckily, there are cheaper alternatives and treatments you can do to improve your skin. One alternative is exfoliating with baking soda. Mix the baking soda with either water or apple cider vinegar to create a paste, and gently scrub away the look of blackheads.
Don’t over-wash: Yes, washing your face regularly is the best way to maintain clear and clean skin, but try not to go overboard. A good cleaning session twice a day will do the trick. Cleansing your skin more often than necessary will only dry out and irritate your skin. This can lead to an over-production of oil and ultimately more blackheads and acne.
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