Extracting Big Blackheads on the Back ( video )

There are three things that are certain in life: death, taxes, and blackheads. (That’s how the saying goes, right?) But what causes these annoying blemishes that seem to defy even the most diligent skincare routines? And more importantly, how do we remove and prevent them? We asked Dr. Jessica Wu, a Los Angeles-based dermatologist, to get the real dirt on these pesky spots and answer some common questions about them:
Blackheads are a type of acne caused by an excess of oil and dead cells under the surface of the skin. “When oil flows out of the pores and onto the surface of the skin without a blockage, there’s no blackhead, no pimple,” Dr. Wu explains. “However, if the oil flows too quickly, or if the pore is inflamed by bacteria, the oil gets backed up and forms a blackhead.” These types of blemishes actually appear white or yellow at first, but turn dark (resembling specks of dirt—not actual dirt!) after the oil is oxidized when it’s exposed to the air.
